62 people attended on 18th Nov 2011
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Guest List
List of those attending on 18th November 2011
Abul Kalam Alan Cockshull Alan Collinson Alastair French Anuj Singhal Bob Miller Bob Nicholson Bob Owen Darren Tipton Dave Gething Dave Hawkins Gavin Crook Geoff Cox Henry Normington Howard Saward Ian Poole Jan Viney Jason Fuggle Jeff Perkins John Ceresa John O'Brien |
John Taylor Karen (Gray) Shephard Keith Newman Ken Hutton Kevin Hall Leif Goodwin Liz Sutherland Lorne Clark Malcolm Blake Malcolm Sizmur Marios Agathangelou Maurice Scarratt Michael Drake Mike Henley Pat Knaggs Paul King Paul Stockdale Pauline Humphreys Pete Bowker Phil Craddock |
Raj Patel Richard Williamson Rick Crook Ross Broadhurst Sarab Singh Simon Locke Simon Melvin Steve Burton Steve Gibbons Steve Johnston Steve Parker Steve Richards Steve Stone Stewart Murray Stirling Essex Terry Jones Thiru Thirumaran Tim Ewins + Angela Tony Smith Tony Trace |